Friday 13 September 2013

Five Things in my Handbag

Did you realise that what’s in our handbag reflects what stage of career journey you are at? Have a look at our light-hearted article to see where you fit....

Geraldine Gallacher, Managing Director in  Executive Coaching Consultancy has coached thousands of women through the different stages of their career and she together with her colleagues  have developed a 5 stage model to explain the female career journey. Geraldine wondered whether you could tell what stage of career you are at judging by the contents of your handbag. She said: "It was interesting interviewing the various women at the different stages and it would appear we are more alike than different!" 
5 Stages of Woman's career

                                           Stage One - defined by Exploring

Water Bottle - Constantly sipping water is the key to staying awake in lectures and with plenty of places to refill your bottle around Campus it feels good to be environmentally friendly!
The Economist Magazine – Always carrying the latest issue in the hope I’ll read it and stay reasonably informed!
Benefit rose tint – For speedy transformation of lips and cheeks in case of unscheduled socialising.
Campaigns Leaflet – Impossible not to pick these up around Campus but I like know what’s going on and check out events when I have free time.
iPhone – Cannot leave the flat without portable connection to social media!

Stage Two - defined by Building & Accelerating

What's in my handbag?

My book - currently reading ‘Gone Girl Gone’ by Gillian Flynn. Although I am meant to be of the Kindle generation, I still prefer an old fashioned book!
My heels(!) - I wear flats for most of the day and whip out my heels for meetings (please don’t judge me)
Paw Paw - an Australian version of Elizabeth Arden’s 8 hour cream. I can’t live without it!
BlackBerry - I am on call 24/7 so it must stay with me at all times so that my clients can get hold of me.
Business cards - I go to lots of networking events so I have to make sure I never run out

Stage Three - defined by Focusing & Balancing

What's in my handbag?

BlackBerry - always contactable and the flashing red light never stops.
Nelson's Teething Granules - always keep spare packets in all my bags!
Estee Lauder Lip Gloss - I don't have time to apply lipstick in the mirror (nor do I want to) but lip gloss adds a little something for meetings and helps makes me look like I've made a slight effort - even though it was applied whilst running for the train most times!
Notebook - a record of my notes, meetings and to do list; a must have.
Tissues - again, another must have. Especially with a 2 year old who is always catching colds and giving them to mummy.

Stage Four - defined by Tuning

What's in my handbag?

iPad and iPhone - what did I do pre- Apple?
Pair of flats - at 5'1" I still need heels to boost my confidence when presenting to clients
Numerous A4 files - very much a digital immigrant rather than native and so still lug these around!
Purse bulging with receipts- constant reminder of the expenses I have yet to get around to claiming
Gym class timetable- always "intending" to go to the gym if I get an unexpected cancellation.

Stage Five - defined by Re-energising

What's in my handbag?

Daily activity schedule for The Second Half Centre
Makeup Case
 by Anya Hindmarch - Blush, lipstick, foundation, concealer, eyeliner
2 pairs of glasses
 - Both Reading and long distance
The Week magazine

Two phones - Blackberry and Mobile and a mini ipad

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